Jumping Back Into Decluttering Before School Starts

Honestly, I’ve had bit of a mental block when it comes to my decluttering journey over the past six months. I was letting the “stuff” win. I felt overwhelmed, and dreaded the task. So I shelved it.

As we hit mid-summer I started to think about the new school season and how good it would feel to get moving on my decluttering journey again. So, I pulled myself together, found some good podcasts and got to work.

My next decluttering journey started with the kids toys in the playroom.

I decided to begin with two categories that would have an immediate impact on not only me, but my family as well… toys and kids clothes.

decluttering toys in the twins bedroom

Tackling these areas have been monumental and have got the ball rolling again.

You can watch my entire toys and kids clothes decluttering process here…

5 Steps to Decluttering Under Your Bathroom Sink

With Marie Kondo out with her new Netflix Show, everyone is tidying up and sparking joy all around their homes. But, sometimes getting started is the hardest part. So, today I’m sharing with you 5 ways to declutter under your bathroom sink, since we all know this can be one of the hardest areas to organize and stay tidy.

put all like things together under your bathroom sink by Nesting Story

1.Take everything out and see if they spark joy

One by one remove all the items under your bathroom sink. Throw out the products that are expired and put aside the products you don’t use anymore that you can give to your friends or family. Then with the remaining products, go through each one and see if they spark joy. Do they make you happy when you use them? Do they help with your skin or hair care? Do they smell nice? These are all some good questions you can ask.

2. Put like things together

Now, put together like items. Put together all the cleaning supplies, hair care products, skin care products, the first aid products. By grouping like things together, you are more likely to know where to find a particular item when you need it. You’re also more likely to keep your under bathroom sink area organized as well.

Tips tidy up under your bathroom sink from Nesting Story

3. Tidy Up

Now that you have taken everything out from under the bathroom sink, this is the perfect time to clean up the area as well.

Under the bathroom sink can be beautiful if it's organized, see more from Nesting Story

4. Make it beautiful

I personally love organizing and making the space beautiful as well. It helps me keep it organized in the future. All the spaces in my home spark joy because whenever I open my closet, a drawer, my pantry, I am just so happy by how beautiful they look. This really helps me want to keep the space looking tidy as well.

Although one may think the under sink area can be difficult to look beautiful, I think they’re wrong. Finding some beautiful baskets or storage bins really help make things look great, but also help with function. I love these storage bins from MUJI. They’re affordable, stackable and they look so beautiful under the bathroom sink. I categorized each bin and stored similar items in each.

under bathroom sink organization with easy to read labels

5. Label label label

I think labeling is so important. You may not be the only one using the bathroom. So other users also need to know where items are located. By having clear labels, anyone should be able to find items and put them back where they belong. This black embossed label maker is one of my personal favorites. It gives the space a chic look while also clearly labeling what’s in each bin.

And there you have it. An organized under bathroom sink cupboard. It is so satisfying having a functional and beautiful space and it personally motivates me to tidy other areas of the house. If you want to see some before and after pictures of my under bathroom sink area, check it out here. Happy tidying 🙂

An organized under bathroom sink cupboard is so satisfying.

Kamaldeep is the blogger behind the the beautiful and inspiring blog Get Kamfortable. There you will find highlights of her city, Toronto, minimalist DIY’s as she decorates her home, recipes and vegan restaurants that she loves. You can read Kamaldeep’s full bio, and follow her personal blog here.

I did an extreme home purge using the Konmari Method and my stress melted away

clean home

For the last few years I have felt like I am drowning. I have been drowning in stuff. Stuff accumulated from a poorly planned move, with having four kids, with surprise twins, with running my business. It just kept piling up. I couldn’t breathe.

About a month ago, Mike and I visited friends who’s house (of three years now), we haven’t seen. As I walked around their home during this (unexpected) visit, I couldn’t get over how tidy and free of clutter their home was. Do people really live like this? This type of lifestyle is an option?

The next day I was still reeling from the stark contrast between our two houses and I realized that an underlying, unshakable stress that I had been feeling was due to our home’s current condition. So, I decided to make a change. A big change.

This change started by reading a book that has been recommended to me over and over again, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo.

Marie Kondo herself shared our progress:

With the strategy and determination hand in hand, we purged. Here is how it went…

Our journey isn’t over… in fact it’s far from over. What has changed is my mindset. That this task is doable and to just keep the momentum going.

We are going to be renovating our home over the next year to truly make it spark joy and work for our family. I hope you follow along!

You might also like:

This is what happens when you are surprised with twins – Digging ourselves out of survival mode

Why I created a vision board for our home – Digging ourselves out of survival mode: A Series

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with our home makeover.


Is our family really happy?

Is our family happy? The honest answer is… no. A least we weren’t for a while there.

Over the past three weeks I was really noticing this common theme in our home of just putting in the time and going through the motions. It wasn’t just me, it was our entire family. We were satisfied-ish, but not joy-filled.

mom on sofa with kids

I knew the winter had been too long and not planning a vacation was a big mistake, not to mention our house was piling up with clutter, and Mike and I just couldn’t seem to dig ourselves out.

We just felt stuck.

I had found some tricks to keep my head above water while we waited for the warmer weather, but there wasn’t a sparkle in any of our eyes.

I was starting to lose hope just as the clouds parted this past weekend. That little warm up was enough to wake everyone up.

kids playing outside

On Saturday Mike and I finally conquered our nemesis… the basement. We dug and we dug until we could breathe again. Multiple trips to the dump and dropping off donations later, we are able to see our home again.

On Sunday we practically lived outside with our kids. Bike rides, side walk chalk and backyard play filled the hours.

As our kids rode their bicycles and tricycles around our street again and again, I beamed as I kept hearing spontaneous laughter come from our twin toddlers.

It was the best, and exactly what we all needed.

I write this as Monday is coming to a close. I am exhausted, but very, very happy. I blasted through my to-do list which somehow felt a lot easier today. toddlers reading

There has been a shift, and instead of sinking back into the gloom as the rain expected tomorrow arrives, I am going to keep this momentum going.

You can catch up on our past week and our happiness journey in our recent vlogs.

The Calm After The Storm

Toddler healing from HFMThe waves have stopped crashing onto us. We are not trying to keep our heads above water anymore and we can finally breathe again.

For the past few weeks we have endured a flat tire, two back injuries, all six of us having the stomach flu and our 18-month-old twins having a horrible case of hand, foot and mouth disease. We were hit hard.

You can read more about our experience with hand, foot and mouth disease on Yummy Mummy Club: Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease: The Illness from Hell

But a week has passed and although we have been left with some scars, it seems like the clouds are parting. scabs healing from HFM

My husband, Mike, and I have been realizing lately, that we haven’t really seemed to be able to move out of survival mode. Not just coming home from our long vacation, or dealing with tons of illness, but long term survival mode. In fact, if we are being really honest, we never shifted out of the phase we entered during my pregnancy with our twins.

Recently, Mike and I have been having a lot of discussions about where we are struggling, both as a unit and as individual people. As far as our relationship and marriage goes, we have a handle on that, thanks to date night and LOTS of communication.

But we have really started to discuss our future, our health, our finances and our happiness, and have had some eye-opening revelations.

Knowing we are finished having children and moving out of the baby phase is really exciting, but also scary. For years we bounced from planning, to pregnancy, to new baby phase and then back to planning for our next. All which gave us the constant excuse to live in survival mode: slack with tidying up, allow clutter to build up, be relaxed with our spending, stay cooped up and let our weight and health slide.

But, we are on the other side now. We are trying to learn how to be responsible, well rounded adults again. We dug ourselves into a survival hole and now we are figuring out how to climb out.

It’s going to take time, but we are on the same page.

What do you call not being in survival mode? Living? Thriving? Routine? All of those sound great to me!Toddler

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