Sleep, eat, change, repeat… life with a newborn. Now try two.
When I started to plan our twin’s nursery the first thing I did was research. Aside from wanting a beautiful, serene and airy nursery I mostly wanted a practical space to enjoy night feedings and have that intimate one on one time with our girls. I scoured twin websites, blogs, books and YouTube researching how you can manage two babies at once. I had always prided myself on being very independent during night feedings when we had each of our older kids. Not that my husband Mike wouldn’t get up, I didn’t want him to. I like to be able to handle night feedings on my own. That way my help is well rested and more useful during the day! I tried to picture what nights would be like with twins, and the image in my mind was horrifying. I knew I wanted to be able to feed both girls at once to cut down on time as much as possible and figuring out how to do this meant figuring out how to tandem feed, where to put both babies within arms reach and how to move each to the breast.
You would think looking back on my first few weeks with twins would stir up feelings of trauma and the things nightmares are made of. Instead I look back and those first weeks of getting up during the night with our girls as some of the most precious first memories.
All of my research paid off and I was able to master night feedings on day one at home. I took the time and used the help given to me by my incredible team of nurses to perfect tandem feeding while spending four days in the hospital after Mia and Everly were born. Keep in mind I had nursed two babies before our twins so I wasn’t having to learn how to nurse as well. Be patient with yourself if these are your first babies. It will come, it just takes time.
I am really excited about our nursery tour and tandem feeding tutorial because I had a very hard time finding detailed information on how to design a practical and functional twin nursery that supports tandem feeding while I was pregnant. This video is about the logistics of how to move both babies from cribs to feeding and back. I know, I know my acting is incredible! You can have your people contact my people for acting gigs…. ha! I promise you I am not a robot. Here it is: Mia and Everly’s nursery…
Photography by Sarah Martin Photography. I will be blogging shorty about tips and tricks of how to decorate a nursery. Stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribe to Nesting Story and follow on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest!
Love it! So helpful even for singletons 😉
I am so glad you found it helpful Maria!
Thank you so much. This has been very helpful xx.
I am so glad Eboni!
Thanks for creating this. It was very helpful for me to plan what I will need and think about what I have that won’t work…like the glider!
Ya, you really have to approach your nursery design very different when you are planning for two! So glad you found it helpful Jennifer!
This is so helpful! I didn’t even think about how to burp them at once… Thanks! Off to youtube now… 🙂
My twins will soon be one, but I just happened across this post and was curious to see what you did so watched your video. After much trial and error (and a month of my husband being an amazing helper), this style of tandem nursing is exactly what I did too. I wish I could have found this post a year ago! It was so stressful at the time trying to figure it out, but now looking back I am so proud of myself. Being a twin mom is a really special thing. 🙂
Hi, Joanna. Thanks for this post. May I ask how wide this couch/loveseat is? Thanks in advance.
Thank you so much for your great post and video on this. I’m 7 months into this adventure and I attribute my ability to nurse (on occasion) alone to your help. I’m writing about my own experiences and going to link to this post since it has been so helpful.
I am currently 35 weeks with twins and came across your blog while researching c-section with twins. (At 34 weeks baby A decided to flip into breech) I love your honest, practical advice for life with twins. This tandem nursing video especially has really helped spell out the logistics for me. Thanks again, love the blog.
As a new twin mom working in tandem feeding, this post was super helpful. Thank you!!!
I am two days away from meeting our identical twin boys, and I just wanted to say this video and other posts you have put together have given me so much peace of mind and confidence as we rapidly approach this new season of life! This is my third pregnancy, I nursed my older two exclusively, and I delivered both of them via c-section, so delivery, breastfeeding and taking care of newborns are not foreign to me, but doing so ×2 definitely is! I am a stay-at-home mom without family close geographically, so needless to say, I have had some moments of serious anxiety. Thank you so much for offering all of your wisdom and experience in a detailed fashion! My insecure anxiety is becoming more of an anxious excitement now, as I feel much more confident! Thank you!
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What a blessing to have found this video!
I’m 19weeks pregnant and was having sleepless night over feeding my girls at night all by myself.
Thank you!!!!
Hi, I know this was published 5 years ago but your set up is just like mine! I do have a question though: what do you change about your set up once the babies are older and wiggly? I’m thinking bouncy chairs on the floor? (I’m pregnant with twins, they’re my first babies, so if this question seems a little dumb that’s why hahaha)