I recently had the opportunity to review the beautifully illustrated and cleverly written book Going To The Park from the Liv On Life children’s book series. This modern story written by Elizabeth Grocery and based on life with her daughter Olivia is wonderfully written, simple and definitely hit home for me. I was immediately captured by the stunning illustrations and Kajiah Jacobs’ clever use of colour in this book. Jacobs’ attention to detail, soft lines and playful characters transport you into Liv’s world.
Going To The Park is a book about a little girl named Liv and her dog Bowie. Liv desperately wants her parents to log off and unplug from work at home so that they can spend un-inturrupted time with Liv and Bowie including taking them to park. In the end Liv finally gets through to her parents and they take a family trip to the park free of any electronic distractions.
The timing of me reading this book couldn’t be more in sync with my life right now. As Nesting Story has grown exponentially over the past month, the demand it has taken on my time has grown as well. Although I am home with my kids instead of away for hours on end like I used to be when I’d have to leave our home to work on design and mural projects, I am much more distracted and divided. Nesting Story has been my fifth baby for a few years now and to finally see it flourish excites me to no end. Although I am there for snuggles, bath times and play time with our four kids, its those moments when it’s typically the child that is driving you bananas that needs me the most and I’d rather bury myself in my laptop blogging.The main character of this story has an uncanny resemblance to my almost four year old daughter Beau. From the wild long curls to Liv’s imaginative and wild spirit, the similarities are frightening! I chuckled to myself when in the book, Liv paints her dolly’s hair with strawberry scented lip gloss. See my previous post The Destructive Child and you will understand.
My biggest takeaway from Going To The Park is to unplug and put your phone away. I am learning to compartmentalize and be more present. One little trick I have learned that works well for myself and my kids is to set a timer. I will set a timer multiple times throughout the day to divide it into mommy’s work time, snack time, lunch time, playtime, screen time, workbook time and so on…. This defines when I am and am not working.
Going To The Park has quickly become one of Beau’s favourite books. Here’s the exciting part, I am having a Going To The Park book giveaway! Just head to Nesting Story’s Facebook page for details on how you can win!!!
For more information on the Liv ON Life series or to purchase Going To The Park, head to www.livonlife.com.
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love your ideas for unplugging & setting timers. I have needed this work/life divide for years but havent done anything about it. might have to try your tips!
Thanks Angela! Ya, still trying to find that balance.