Where have I been?

Joanna Fowler March 23, 2022 Family, Self

Oh, hello there. Long time no see.

I honestly have been thinking about this blog post for months. Over-thinking if I am being entirely honest. So I am just going to write. No really big announcement or anything, well other than the fact that I launched my super awesome company The Water Cooler and it is doing so well. But more on that later.

Nesting Story was so much of my world for so long. Then my world turned upside down… big change with our family, a move, a pandemic.

A friend put it like this which feels kind of perfect… life is kind of like a purse full of a lot of shit. Every once in a while that purse needs to be dumped out and you only put back in what you really want or need.

The thing was, I didn’t know where to put Nesting Story. It felt so tied to my old life and I am not the same person anymore. So I just stopped.

I have gone through so many emotions when it comes to creating content, everything from I am going full-tilt to I’m completely walking away from it.

And then I landed here. Somewhere in the middle. I don’t want Nesting Story to disappear, but I also need to make sure that I am showing up on my terms, completely who I am and when I want.

I am not sure exactly what that means yet, but I do know that my end goal has changed…. I am not creating content to lure brands to sponsor me, (not that it was the only reason I made content before, but it was how I financed Nesting Story), but now I can show up as a way to genuinely share while I build my new life and my business.

Of course, a lot of rules still apply, like keeping parts of my life private. I need this space to go back to why it began… talking to you, mostly moms and sharing what I like, what I’ve learned and how I am growing.

So, with that part out of the way, let’s talk about my new biz!

The Water Cooler is an idea I have had for many years, and for a long time I dabbled in the space, coaching businesses, branding and so on. But now I have finally taken the leap and built out a full-blown company along with Ben, who is our behind the scenes Pres.

I should also mention we have an absolutely kick-ass team of women who are quite frankly all unicorns. I am so lucky to have them.

What do we do?

We build brands. Our specialty is defining a brand’s aesthetic, whether it’s logos, colours or overall personality and vibe, we even create websites from scratch. We also manage brands’ social media for them and we help develop businesses… everything from just an idea to a brand that’s been around for a while but needs a total refresh.

And we love every minute of it.

The long-term plan is to also have a super stylish physical space for co-working and events and rentals like a boardroom or podcast room. Don’t worry, I will for sure be taking you on that journey.

Anyways, I think that’s it for now. I’ll be back. I just needed to get all of this off of my chest first.

Let’s not be strangers, okay? xo

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