Cooking. Dishes. Picky eaters. When it comes to making meals for my family, I have been opting to take the easy route after so many years in survival mode. But now, two years out, it kind of terrifies me that at some point we have to make a change.
In this “day in the life” video I talk about my love/hate relationship with cooking. Also, Mia and Everly get thrown off with colds and a “bad” nap. Welcome to our home…
This is a story I have been meaning to tell for months. I don’t know why I haven’t. I think sometimes we wait for the perfect time, but it just doesn’t come. I owe it to all of you to discuss why I have been moving more towards video.
I will keep writing, in fact, the quality of my writing will probably go up, now that I am writing a little less. But the truth is, for this part of my journey, and to tell our story best, video is a great fit.
Watch my latest vlog to see why and where I had a breakdown/breakthrough and what I did about it.
This past week we finally said goodbye to the last pacifier in our home. This is just one step further away from the baby stage which brings a mix of emotions.
Also, we had a week full of fun while Mike was on holidays, including a family reunion at a farm with all of the little cousins. Follow along on the vlog…
We are a family that thrives on and craves routine. My kids and I need some kind of structure to our day and without it we start getting irritable and anxious. Mike (and maybe Beau) on the other hand do pretty well being on vacation.
Don’t get me wrong, I do have fun, but it is really hard to shake the nagging to-do lists that constantly run through my mind throughout the day.
It has taken me over a year to create some semblance of balance in our lives, but unfortunately it is a fragile house of cards that can be blown down with a single staycation.
Little did I know that Mike had seen some footage of me talking about how I struggle with this and how it can be a trigger for my anxiety.
In today’s vlog I talk about how I use some much needed space to regroup and continue enjoying our staycation.
Also, we take a little trip to a neighbouring lakeside city for a specialist appointment for Beau.
On this very special edition of “A Day In In The Life” with our family it is our twins, Mia and Everly’s second birthday. We opted to have a special day at the zoo instead of going all out with a huge birthday party, and although we had a bit of a diaper mishap, we had a great day.
After nap time the day continued with presents, visitors and cake. Although we had lots of fun, Mike and I were exhausted. Follow along the entire day on A Day In The Life 5.