I have been in a purging mode lately… you know the kind, when you start to look around your home and wonder why you have so much stuff? I am pretty good at giving away the stuff that I am obviously not using, but there have been some items I have been holding onto for reasons I wasn’t quite sure about anymore.
Three particular items really stood out to me, each representing a past life of mine. I am pretty sure I was only holding onto them for sentimental reasons.
I finally made the decision to give them away to Value Village, so that someone else can truly appreciate them.
Past Wardrobe: Since having four kids, I have given myself a wardrobe makeover, opting for pieces that are still stylish but also practical. I bought these black Michael Kors pumps years ago when I found them for a crazy price. Unfortunately, they never quite fit my wide feet right and sat on my dresser as a useless trophy. Goodbye, shoes!
Past Baby Stage: I think this one was the hardest item to giveaway: my coveted Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag that I got when we had our first baby (I have a twin sized one now). I had truly been holding on to this prized possession as a memento. But I know another mom could get a lot more use out of it. Goodbye, diaper bag!
Past Career: I used to get dressed up every morning in very fancy clothes and sport some pretty trendy jewelry to head off to my glamorous interior design job, including this over-sized Swarovski cocktail ring. Is it practical for my lifestyle today as a work-from-home blogger and mommy of four? Nope. Goodbye, ring!
After donating all of my items at my local Value Village and feeling like I lost ten pounds, I had a peek around and was not only impressed with some of the beautiful items they had, but also how well organized and cared for each item was.
I think that sometimes we can surround ourselves with stuff to fill a hole or try to hold onto a past life and it is so important that we make sure we take the time to reassess and really ask ourselves if these items sitting around are adding value or baggage to our lives.
Value Village is more than your favourite thrift store – they also support nonprofit organizations like Canadian Diabetes Association and Developmental Disabilities Association, among others, in your community. Remember to donate your reusable items to local nonprofits at Value Village! In addition to supporting the nonprofit, you’ll also be helping planet earth. Value Village, Good n’ Thrifty! Learn more: http://www.valuevillage.com
Disclosure: This post was brought to you by Value Village via Mode Media Canada. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Value Village.