Kristi Gordon, a pregnant meteorologist from Global News, BC, recently received a letter from a viewer fat shaming her. In the letter the viewer suggested she was “gross” and that she should “wear baggier clothes and cover up.” As someone who recently had the world comment on my pre, pregnant and post pregnancy body I want to Kristi to know how beautiful she is, how beautiful pregnancy is and to not let those comments in.
Dear Kristi Gordon,
You are beautiful. Your bump is beautiful. Please don’t hide your gorgeous baby belly.
What you are doing is the most incredible thing that our bodies can do. You have a human growing inside of you that is now opening their eyes, sucking on their fingers, hearing you, experiencing hiccups and imitating breathing movements.
Every calorie you are consuming is being meticulously consumed by your body, aiding in your child’s growth and development.
Your body is a vessel. An incubator. A cocoon.
You are beautiful. Your bump is beautiful. Please don’t hide your gorgeous baby belly.
Please, please, please, don’t forget forget the incredible miracle you body has created once your baby is in your arms and you have some extra curves postpartum.
How dare that viewer make you feel like what your are doing isn’t beautiful. How dare they demand you cover up and wear looser clothes.
You are beautiful. Your bump is beautiful. Please don’t hide your gorgeous baby belly.
Nesting Story