Being A Responsible Adult (Vlog 10)

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In this week’s vlog I try to figure out the best time to fit my exercise in and make sure I take care of my adult responsibilities before I can play.

Also, the kids have a water balloon fight and it is dress up day in camp. Find out more what “work” for me involves and how Holden’s Captain America costume almost turned into a deadly weapon.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Nesting Story on YouTube so that you don’t miss a video!

How Anxiety Inspired Me To Start Running And Begin A Two-Week Challenge

A few weeks ago, I was anxious. I could audibly hear every breath exiting and entering my body. Every task, including putting my kids’ shoes on for them, was a struggle. I had a lot on my mind that included worrying about one of my kids, who was struggling, and some tough work-based decisions that I had to make.

anxiety and parenting

I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders and I would be crushed at any moment. I wasn’t able to answer my kids’ questions without hearing a quiver in my voice. I was shattering.

One day, as I finally hit send on an email that had been weighing heavily on me, something told me that I needed to run. Physically run away from my problems and gain some perspective. Luckily, my husband Mike was just walking in the door from work at that moment and I was able to leave him with the kids and head out the door.

As I rounded the corner from the streets lined with houses and entered the path through the forest near my house, my feet began to move faster. I was running… fast. My muscles ached as my body tried to comprehend this new feeling.


You see, despite working out and getting my (new) body back after babies, I wasn’t doing any cardio, only resistance training. Up until this point, I didn’t see the need to do cardio. I was getting the results I wanted to see from portion control, resistance training and making healthy dietary choices. Why bother with sweaty, time-consuming cardio? Little did I know that my mind and body had been craving cardio the entire time.


As I continued to run along that path, something incredible began to happen. I stopped worrying. For the first time in a week, I didn’t feel like I was going to shatter. My mind was gaining perspective and new ideas and solutions were bubbling to the surface. My entire being was strengthening and I was flying.


Throughout the next week, I flew out the door each day as Mike came home from work. I was smiling again, and going through my day with ease and confidence. My anxiety disappeared and I was able to tackle each problem that came my way with a clear mind. I even began to feel my body strengthen. But as life with kids goes, illness decided to pay a visit to our home and my runs were put on pause.

Now that everyone is healthy again, I am ready to jump back into my running routine. I am beginning a two-week challenge to be #evenbetter. I will be running each day while maintaining my resistance training and healthy dietary choices. I will also start including my family in my cardio journey, including going on family bike rides and nature hikes.


Because I struggle at times to get enough water, Ocean Spray® will be keeping me hydrated with their Ocean Spray® PACt® Cranberry Extract Waters so I can dial up on all the healthy benefits.

Ocean Spray PACt

So, what are my goals during this two-week challenge? There are three main ones that stand out to me:

  1. To incorporate daily fitness into my routine and help strengthen my body.
  2. To use running as a stress-release and to control my anxiety.
  3. To not only set a good example for both my kids and my husband, but to include them in my cardio journey as well.

Keeping myself (and my family) hydrated with Ocean Spray® PACt® Cranberry Extract Water flavours – including Cranberry Pomegranate, Cranberry Raspberry and Cranberry Mango Passionfruit – will make the entire challenge a little more fun and sweet!

Ocean Spray PACt

The last time I was really into running, I either found that I would get bored of drinking so much water, or not drink enough and end up dehydrated. Ocean Spray® has created the perfect low-calorie drink that is full of ingredients I can feel good about putting into my body.

Ocean Spray® PACt® Cranberry Extract Water delivers unique cranberry benefits. It contains PACs, or proanthocyanidins – unique, powerful elements found deep inside cranberries – to help protect against certain harmful bacteria from sticking in the urinary tract.

Made from purified water, each bottle is only 10 calories, is naturally sweetened, and contains no GMOs or artificial colours – the colour comes straight from the red cranberries.

I am really excited to start this journey with my family and see what kind of benefits each of us gain from adding more cardio to our daily lives. Make sure to check in in two weeks to see how we did!

Ocean Spray® PACt® Cranberry Extract Water is a tasty and low-calorie way to hydrate in a more meaningful way. Packed with the power of 50 cranberries, PACt® cranberry extract water delivers unique cranberry health benefits. Visit to learn more and find out where to buy PACt® water at a store near you.


Disclosure: This post was brought to you by Ocean Spray® via Mode Media Canada. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Ocean Spray®.

My Top 3 Post-Twin Pregnancy Abdominal Workout Moves

Losing the baby weight after twins

Having three pregnancies, (including one twin pregnancy), has pushed my body to the limit. What has been the biggest casualty? my midsection.

I am often asked what my daily workout consists of. Well, to be honest, not a whole lot. I keep it simple and effective. Because I don’t have a lot of time each day to set aside for working out, on top of work and raising four kids, I try to keep my workouts to under 20 minutes in length.

Almost all of my workouts consists of strength training, and I make sure I am targeting the areas that need to most work.

Although I am close, but have not yet reached my goal, especially with regaining strength and mobility after having my twins, I have to make sure I am always reminding myself how far I have come.

But I wanted to share with you my three favourite (and in my opinion, most effective) abdominal workout moves.

Side Crunch

If someone were to say that I could only do one exercise move for the rest of my life, and I could pick only one… it would be side crunches. This move by far produces the best results in the least amount of time. Any time I have taken a bit of time off from my workouts and jump back into side crunches, I see more definition in my waist in just a few days!

How to do a side crunch…

Lay facing up with your knees together and bent at a 90 degree angle. Then drop your knees to the left without moving your upper body.


Place your hands behind your head and raise your shoulders towards your hips, as if you were doing a sit-up.IMG_3266

Pause for one second and then lower your body to the ground. I typically do three sets of 15 reps on each side.


Elbow-to-Knee Crunch

I prefer this crunch over just a regular crunch because I find it works my lower abdominal muscles more, (which after twins, always need attention), and this move is also easy on my back.

How to do an elbow-to-knee crunch…

Lay facing up with your knees and hips bent at a 90 degree angle so that your calves are parallel to the floor. Place your hands behind your head, with your elbows pointed outward. Raise your shoulders off of the floor, (don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t get too far off the floor, your abs might be weak from your pregnancy… like mine are), and twist your body while you reach your right elbow to your left knee, while you are straightening your right leg.


Then return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.


I like to aim for about 30-40 reps of this move.

Weighted Russian Twist

I like this move because… well let’s be honest, it gets rid of my muffin top left over from four pregnancies. For a long time I couldn’t seem to find an exercise that would target that pesky spare tire I had hanging around… until I found the weighted Russian twist!

How to do a weighted Russian twist…

Start by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Hold a medicine ball (or a weight plate, or even just your hands together without a weight), straight in front of you. Angle your torso at a 45 degree position, which you will hold for the entire exercise. Rotate your torso to the right trying to hold your arms as straight as you can while keeping your feet flat on the floor.


Repeat the motion to your left, again keeping your torso at a 45 degree angle, your arms straight and your feet flat. IMG_3359

I like to do 20-30 reps of this move.

In the end, I know that my body will forever have a different shape since growing my precious four little humans, and I am really okay with that. It tells my story of where my body has been and who it has created!

Weightless after twins

Before starting any new workout routine, always consult your doctor first. You should not start exercising until at least after 6-8 weeks postpartum and until you have received your doctor’s consent.

Read more about my body’s journey here: What having four kids (including twins) has done to my body and my confidence.

Did you recently give birth? Before starting any new exercise routine, set yourself up for success with these tips: 10 Acts of kindness you should do for your postpartum body before starting a new exercise routine.

Don’t forget to follow Nesting Story on Facebook and Instagram for additional tips, articles and before and after photos!

Easing Back Into My Morning Workouts

Getting back to working outSince December, my workouts have been spotty. I hit it hard at the end of 2015 and then took some time off, (other than some ab work), while away for three weeks. When I got back from Florida I was ready to pick up where I left off, but I injured my lower back (I will post about that next week).

I was pretty bummed when I was instructed to not workout for two weeks. But, now I am healed and ready to go.

I have been trying to get back to my 6 a.m. workouts this week, and slowly but surely it’s happening… even if its just some light resistance training in baggy sweats and bare feet.

No matter how early I get up, Holden and Beau always seem to find me. It was cute at first, but I eventually made a rule that they give me my time until 7 a.m., which I think is pretty reasonable. IMG_1157I am also overhauling my eating habits. I am working at keeping our kitchen stocked with quick, yummy and healthy options, plus I am mastering some healthy meals that are simple and don’t take too much work to prepare or clean up afterwards. healthy lunchI am sticking with my plan of not making weight loss my number one goal. I am trying to focus on some other tasks this year and having a healthier routine will just be part of my lifestyle.

Today the elevator was not working at Mia and Everly’s daycare and I had to carry two 25 pound toddlers up two flights of stairs at once, (these stairs were a little too steep for them to manage on their own). By the time I got to their daycare I couldn’t catch my breath.

Next week I plan to increase my intensity and consistency with my exercise. I think I should be sweating a little more than I did this week. It’s been 18 months since I gave birth to my twins and I still feel like I have a postpartum body. I have been pretty relaxed, but I would really like to gain some strength back.

I am really excited to do this for me and to see where 2016 takes me.

The 20 Minute, 2 Week Workout Challenge

Last weekend, it dawned on me that I was going to be leaving for my vacation to sunny Florida in two weeks. I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by. But I was really frustrated with myself because for the past month I had completely let my exercise slide.

I didn’t seem to have time to work my exercise routine into my day anymore. I still wake up early, but I am using that time to shower and not rush to get all four kids out the door. My workouts were constantly on the back burner, and my body had gone soft. Successful weightloss after babyThis was not how I wanted to feel on vacation. I want to feel good with whatever I put on. I want to feel stronger and more firm. I am not looking to drastically hit my weightless goal, just sculpt my body a little. I have come a long way in a year with my weight-loss after having my twins, my body just needs a little more attention than I have been giving it.

That’s when I decided to create a challenge for myself. I would set my timer everyday for 20 minutes and workout daily for two weeks (until I leave). For me, making smaller goals is more attainable. 20 min challengeI have found that my sweet spot is when the kids are all in bed. I sneak into my workout room, put something to watch on my iPad, set my timer and go. I am on day five now and honestly, I am loving it! I am finding this routine is very do-able, and dare I say it, enjoyable. IMG_0277

Just after these few days, I am already seeing my waist reappear and my thigh jiggle is calming down when I race up the stairs. An added bonus: I have suddenly become much more patient with my kids.

I think my brain can somehow handle this 20 minute idea. It doesn’t scare me. I have NEVER been an athlete. I refuse to play a sport with a team or a ball, and like my grandfather says, anytime I get the urge to exercise, I lay down until the feeling goes away.

But this tiny increment of time is something that I can handle.

Are you wondering what my at home exercise routine is? Check out my post about it: My Busy Mama, Super Easy, Do It At Home Exercise RoutineOnce I am done this routine, I hop on my treadmill for the remaining time and finish when the timer goes.

I am kind of using these two weeks as guinea pig trial. Once these two weeks are up, I am going  to make a new goal… stay tuned.

Do you want to join me? Or just follow along with my progress each day? Then follow me on Instagram and tag your 20 minute workout post #20min2weekchallenge