I did something this week that I haven’t done in a while, I weighed myself. It was pretty much what I expected, still stuck with fifteen pounds to go, until my goal weight. I tend to not obsess too much about numbers, but go by how my clothes feel. Well, you know when things start feeling snug around your thighs? Or when you put on a piece of clothing with no stretch, like a blazer? It pinches you right in the upper arm area and you start to think… hmmmm….. time to pay a little more attention to the numbers on the scale, what I am eating and how much effort I am putting into my exercise routine.
One good thing this time around is I am not angry at myself or hating my body. I just know that I am not quite as strong or toned as I would like to be. Case in point, I threw my back out two days ago stepping over a baby gate. I was more bedridden than when I was recovering from my C-section. Reuniting with my couch yesterday reminded me how I felt during my twin pregnancy. Now I am ready to move!
This thing happens to me every year. After New Year’s I start daydreaming about flip-flips, tank-tops and sundresses. I get this burst of motivation and stick to a healthier lifestyle without falter. I live in Canada and you have to daydream a little about the nice weather that is bound to arrive to get through our harsh winters. Then, when the nice nice weather arrives this laziness sets in and wine on the porch is just a little too tempting.
Time to shake things up. I am not quite sure what my game plan is quite yet, but I will most definitely be taking all of you along for the ride. If you don’t already, head on over to my Instagram account and follow me there. I will be adding lots of photos of my journey with the hashtag #mynewbodyafterbaby. I would love for any of you who are also going through your own “feel awesome with your post baby bod” journey to add your photos to Instagram with the #mynewbodyafterbaby hashtag!
Scales are out. There’s a measuring tape you can get now. Up to date dieticians promote them over scale watching. Much healthier. If your waist size is in range for your race (Asian woman/man. Caucasian woman/man) then you are good. If it’s outside the range line on the tape you need to work on it. Simple. The wait is 1 inch above the navel on the crease in your side when you bend side to side.