I am the first to admit that there are some domestic skills I might be lacking in… ahem… cooking. But I have to say, I have actually mastered the laundry game.
For a long time, especially after our twins were born, I would get our laundry washed, but never folded or put away. The laundry would stay in piles, or half folded on our dining room table, and every morning was a scramble to find outfits for everyone and get out the door.
Now we have figured out a routine and laundry schedule that works for us. It requires a bit of teamwork, but it isn’t that hard.
I even found an incredible Pinterest organizational hack, that has changed my world when it comes to getting my kids ready for school in the morning. Here’s how…
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Nice!!! I love this, especially the hack. My kids (6, 4 and 1) aren’t picky (yet) about what they wear, so here’s what I do: I do a load or two every. single. day. It goes in the washer in the morning, before we leave, and whenever I’m back home it goes in the dryer/gets hung up. When I’m folding, the pjs go on the beds (so they don’t have to be folded and yes, this means the kids basically wear the same pjs for days on end, but they’re clean), and when I’m putting away the kids’ clothing, I put the next day’s outfits on their dressers. Towels are usually just re-hung in the bathroom (so no towel folding). Sheets are put back on the beds (so no sheet folding). We basically do not separate our darks/whites/towels. No one has noticed yet! 😉
One thing that has really, really helped is that I am always trying to par down the kids’ clothes. They don’t need more than 5-8 outfits each, plus a church or nice outfit, and a couple of sets out play clothes. Really, I’d like them to have even less, but we have lovely and generous parents that buy nice clothes for our kids.
This system works well most of the time. Of course, if there is sickness, the laundry system goes out the window 🙂