This is something I have suspected for a very long time, so I wasn’t too shocked when I found out last week that Holden officially has Auditory Processing Disorder, or Central Auditory Processing Disorder.
After many, many years, in fact since he was a baby, Holden has struggled. He is finally old enough to have the test and he was very vocal that I tell his story in hopes that he can help another child.
Read Holden’s full story on Baby Center here: Now I know why the Happy Birthday song makes my son cry.
You can continue to follow Holden’s journey on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
My child was diagnosed with this condition in grade one. Now at 14 the condition is much improved. The right side almost normal and the left needing some work. His audiologist told us that any hands on work, playing a musical instrument, building with Lego, making models etc will help. He has played an instrument every day since age 6 so this has been a great help. He uses and FM system at school for some of the time and will be using one in high school. The difficult thing now is getting him to use it as he can’t be bothered. My biggest problem has been with the schools. Just because your child has an IEP do not expect them to always follow it or inform you of what’s going on at school. You will need to keep in constant communication with the school and advocate for your child. Non-compliant teachers who can’t be bothered to use the FM system, teachers who don’t read the audiologist report or can’t understand it if they do, principles who don’t take responsibility. I have had all of this to deal with over three different schools. I am ready for whatever high school brings. I hope you are lucky with your son’s schools and teachers.
My son has Auditory Processing Disorder as well as Sensory Processing Disorder that incases other sensory issues. It is a struggle sometimes, but just knowing what is going on and getting help makes a big difference. He has come a long way.